What is Camping Lantern

Just like the name says it all. A tactical lantern that is more durable, comes with more features and its purpose is to provide ample amount of light specially when you are camping. There are many lanterns comes in market. Each lantern comes with different purpose. We will talk about how and why Camping lantern suitable and more useful.
Is a Lantern important for Camping?
The answer to this question is Yes, it is very important. Its true that many people uses Traditional flashlights. If we compare flashlights to Camping Lantern. They Camping lantern has more benefits. Flashlights goes down faster as compared to Camping Lantern and they cannon provide light in all areas. Camping Lanterns are lightweight as compared to flashlights it provides light all around for longer time and is very useful for outdoor purposes.
How many lumens a Camping lantern should be?
The minimum lumens a camping lantern should be between 250-600 lumens. Militarykart is happy to introduce a Tactical Camping lantern which sole purpose is to provide ample of light in all directions (360 degrees) and is 2-3 times more lumens. Easy to charge, solar powered and can charge your devices via USB. Grab it today from here.
How to choose the right camping Lantern for you?
Choosing the right camping lantern is not as difficult as you think. It all depends on your requirement and the place and environment you are planning to camp. Camping lanterns comes in different sizes and with different features. From a Traditional Gas lantern to tiny chargeable lanterns. It is time to upgrade yourself from those bulky gas lanterns. The one we have brought is a solar lantern that can be charged by USB cable or via solar.
Do Lanterns give off Heat?
It is true that gas lanterns are incandescent lights and they give off heat. Which is why Militarykart introduces Tactical Camping Lantern that can be charged via USB or solar and does not gives off heat. Its completely safe for kids and animals and is a multipurpose lantern. You can place it inside your tent, room or in your car without any worries of heat or fire.
Why Militarykart's Camping Lantern?
We have brought one of the best camping lantern that is most durable, high quality and can solve all your problem while you are camping. Lets know about its features. :-
Portable Flashlight- Portable hands and its light-weight are friendly for everyone even for kids. Flashlight mode is better to looking for something and more high level of operating efficiency in extend battery run time.
Collapsible LED Lantern- Just simply pull up the fold away handles and extend for brightness. Easily control the amount of light provided by the lantern by adjusting its height. Fold down and collapse the lantern to easily store it in any car compartment or emergency kit.
Strobe & SOS Light- Two modes of red lights. When you click switch botton twice, it became strobe light and the third time is SOS light.This is a great survival tool when you're lost in the wild or in fog. An essential equipment for your outdoor and indoor activities.
Multipurpose Use- Camping Lantern Flashlight and Beacon in One. Portable and collapsible. Versatile and durable. It is perfectly capable of many conditions. Such as camping, hurricane, hiking, backpacking, reading, fishing, emergency, outage etc.
Frequently asked questions?
1- How do I know if its fully charged?
Answer- There is a charging indicator light that is red while charging and then turns green when fully charged.
2- Will it light up the room?
Answer- Yes, similar to a 30 Watt bulb in a table lamp.
3- Can the built in battery be removed?
Answer- No, you can easily charge the whole lantern.
4- How long does it take to fully charge?
Answer- 3-4 hours if you charge it via USB
5- Will the light recharge the AA batteries when plugged into USB?
Answer- No, they are only for backup to the USB charge when it runs out.
6- How many lumens?
Answer- 400 Lumens.
7- How hot does this lamp gets when the lamp is lit?
Answer- It will not get hot at all. You can light it all night. he lantern is COB bulb type to disperse chip heat dissipation, so they do not get hot.
8- What is the manufacturing material of this lantern?
Answer- The Camping lantern is made of High ABS Impact Plastic, which is why they are so lightweight and good price. Impressive, great light.
9- Can I use a standard solar powered battery back to charge the internal battery?
Answer- Yes you can.
Any chances of rechargeable battery to explode?
Answer- No
Militarykart's camping latern is a must have camping accessories which is completely safe, high quality and can be utilized for multiple purposes. So lets not wait any further, grab this today only on here.